Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege : Should I Buy It?

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege or as I will be referring to as Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six is an FPS based tactical shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and is published by Ubisoft, initially released on December 1, 2015. Despite being three years old, the game has a current player base of 67,000 players and at its peak 116,000.  Rainbow Six currently features three modes that can be played.

The first being Terrorist Hunt. Terrorist Hunt is a PVE game mode that features an offline/online play with up to three friends. The game mode pits you against A.I. enemies in random maps into different modes such as Terrorist Hunt Classic, Hostage Extraction, Protect Asset, Disarm Bombs, Situations.

Casual mode is the next mode, which is the default mode for new players starting the game. It is available to all players except those banned. Casual games typically have three to five rounds and has one overtime round. Casual mode features every map except Favela and Bartlett U.

Finally, the last mode of Rainbow Six. Where all the toxicity, sweats, and tryhards come out. Don't let that deter you away though. Once practiced, ranked can be fun, especially with friends. Ranked is available to players once they reach level 20. There are some key differences between Ranked and Casual gameplay. Ranked features gameplay differences where Defenders can pick their defense site and Attackers can pick their attack locations. The format of the game is also different too. A team must win a minimum of four rounds before the game ending. Ranking is a big factor in playing ranked. The following ranks in order go, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Platinum. Each just as fun to grind up to as the next.

Overall, Rainbow Six is a fun game especially enjoyed with friends. The gameplay is well worth the current price and still receiving constant updates from the developers. If you get a chance, definitely pick up this game and get your friends to play it with you.

Player data was found at
